
好多野背呀, 之前PHYSI果D TOPIC都唔算多野背, 理論CONCEPT多, 一黎到HORMONE, 真係背到HIHI

hydrophilic hormone mechanism

1. hormone binds to receptor
2. receptor change shape -> activate G-protein
3. activate adenylate cyclase
4. adenosine triphospate(ATP) -> cyclic adenosine monophospate(cAMP)
5. increase cAMP, activate protein kinase A
6. Protein kinase A add phospate to cAMP respond element binding protein(CREB)
7. gene expression happen

尼個已經唔算變態lu, 仲有一堆hormone既名既  全名 要背, 好彩以前都已經有背luteinizing hormone果d...但ACTH真係好變態

ACTH -> adrenalcorticotropic hormone

然後都算喇, 又黎多一堆RIH, 真係RIP喇

somatostatin -> inhibit TSH, prolactin, GH

但後黎又要背埋GH(growth hormone)既effect

1. On muscle

- increase protein synthesis
- increase amino acid uptake
- decrease glucose uptake

2. On adipose tissue

- increase break down of fat -> further convert to glucose
- decrease glucose uptake

3. On liver

- increase protein, RNA synthesis
- increase gluconeogensis
- increase production of somatomedin(IGF - 1, IGF-2)

   IGF-1 : 1. increase protein synthesis
               2. increase collagen synthesis
               3. increase cell no.

   IGF-2 : 1. increase protein synthesis
               2. increase DNA, RNA synthesis
               3. increase cell no. and size

完左GH, 就到thyroid gland, 尼個真係煩死= =......

thyroxine effect

1. heat production -> maintain body temp
2. increase C.O.
3. ↑RBC
4. ↑breathing rate
5. ↑mental alertness
6. make myelin in foetus
7. ↑ carbohydrate metabolism
8. ↑ lipid metabolism
9. ↑ protein metabolism
10.↑ GH
11.↑ make hair follicle, teeth, bone, skin

完左尼11個之後, 之後先發現原來仲有2隻hormone, 叫calcitonin同埋parathroid hormone係maintain blood calcium level..
PH -> kidney -> calcitriol -> increase Ca2+ uptake

之後就去到adrenal grand, 又多3種hormone(暈

aldosterone effect

1. smooth muscle contraction(in blood veesel) -> decrease sweat production -> ↑water in blood
2. retein Na+
3. excrete K+
4. ↑ absorb Na+ in gut
5. ↑ thirst centre in brain
6. ↑ posterior pituitary -> ↑ ADH -> ↑ H2O
7. overall -> increase blood pressure

production of aldosterone

1. decrease of blood pressure
2. renin(in kidney) + angiotensinogen(in liver)
3. angiotensin I
4. to lung, become angiotensin II
5. to adrenal cortex, become aldosterone
6. to kidney

溫到尼到, 我就死左



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